There are times in everyone's lives when you realize there is more. There is more to life. There is more than the pursuit of our home, the stuff we own, the things we do, our communities, and our belief system. That God is greater than our understanding and religion. When our consciousness allows us to experience the depths of faith, we realize we have more to offer and more to do as Christ-like examples. Danielle Tietjen travels the country inspiring her audiences to live mindfully in the wholeness of life- to live the full life that God intends for them in Christ-given freedom and service to all people.
Danielle speaks under the belief that she, along with all people, is a work in progress. She is authentic and transparent in her communication on scripture and social and racial justice issues. Danielle’s goal for her audience is that they would enter into a long-term conversation on faith, love, service through compassion, and God; that they would be inspired to embrace the risks and full life that God desires for them.
Beyond speaking, Dani works as a community organizer decentralizing power and working toward equity and equality. She spends her time in her neighborhood community garden growing food and relationships. Dani’s work is centered around creative problem-solving and community empowerment. She also loves to read, write, bike, and sit around a bonfire.